Carnivore Diet for Psoriasis: Health Benefits and Tips (2024)

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, and while there is no cure, there are several ways to manage its symptoms. One effective approach is to focus on making positive changes to your diet and lifestyle choices.

One crucial step in managing psoriasis symptoms is to avoid foods that may promote inflammation. This can include processed foods, sugary snacks, and refined carbohydrates. Instead, incorporating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

While some people may find that implementing a carnivore diet can help to control their psoriasis symptoms, it’s important to remember that this diet may not be suitable for everyone. In this article we are going to discuss why a carnivore diet can be a good fit for controlling psoriasis and much more.

Carnivore Diet for Psoriasis: Health Benefits and Tips (1)

What Is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet is a dietary approach that involves consuming only animal products, such as eggs, fish, and meat, while excluding other groups of foods like seeds, nuts, legumes, grains, fruits, and vegetables. This diet is thought to offer potential benefits such as weight loss, blood sugar regulation, and improved mood.

Additionally, some individuals have reported a reduction or elimination of psoriasis symptoms on this diet. However, it’s important to note that while eggs have been associated with worsening psoriasis symptoms for some people, they are generally a healthy food for skin health and may be a good addition to a psoriasis diet for some individuals.

Side note: Although eggs have a bad reputation for psoriasis you are leaving a lot on the table. Eggs are very healthy for your skin and you should consider including them in your psoriasis diet.

7 Benefits of Carnivore Diet for Psoriasis

The carnivore diet is a promising approach for managing psoriasis symptoms. Here are 7 benefits of this diet that may help you better control your condition:

  1. Improved insulin sensitivity: Eating too many carbs can cause insulin resistance and increase the risk of weight gain. By eliminating or reducing carbs, the carnivore diet can improve insulin sensitivity and prevent imbalances that can trigger psoriasis flares.
  2. Weight loss: The carnivore diet can be effective for weight loss, as it promotes the metabolism of body fat, stabilizes hormone fluctuations, and increases satiety. By reducing your weight, you may also reduce your psoriasis symptoms.
  3. Elimination of plant toxins and anti-nutrients: Many plants contain toxins and anti-nutrients that can cause inflammation, allergies, and nutrient deficiencies. The carnivore diet eliminates the intake of these substances and replaces them with nutrient-rich animal-based foods, which may reduce the risk of psoriasis flares.
  4. Reduced inflammation: The low-carb intake of the carnivore diet can reduce systemic inflammation and improve gut health, making it easier to manage psoriasis symptoms.
  5. Improved gut health: A healthy gut is essential for reducing the risk of inflammation and maintaining overall health. The carnivore diet may promote gut health by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy digestion.
  6. Simplified dieting: The carnivore diet is simple to follow, as it eliminates most foods and requires minimal planning and preparation. This can free up time and energy to focus on other aspects of psoriasis management.
  7. Improved heart health: Psoriasis patients are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, and the carnivore diet may help reduce this risk by promoting weight loss and healthy eating habits.

Although the carnivore diet may not be suitable for everyone and should be planned and monitored by a healthcare professional.

Side Effects of the Carnivore Diet

Here are some possible side effects of the carnivore diet:

  1. Nutrient deficiencies: By eliminating whole food groups like fruits, vegetables, and grains, the carnivore diet may lead to a lack of certain nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. These nutrients play an important role in maintaining overall health, so it’s important to consider supplementing or carefully planning meals to avoid nutrient deficiencies.
  2. Digestive issues: Because the carnivore diet is very low in fiber, it can cause constipation or other digestive issues, especially if someone is not used to consuming a high amount of animal products. Additionally, some people may experience diarrhea or other digestive discomfort due to the high fat content of the diet.
  3. Increased risk of heart disease: The carnivore diet is high in saturated fat, which can increase cholesterol levels and lead to an increased risk of heart disease. It’s important to keep an eye on blood lipid levels if following this diet long-term.
  4. Kidney problems: A high intake of protein from animal products can put additional strain on the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney problems in those who already have underlying kidney issues.
  5. Bad breath and body odor: Since the diet is high in protein, it can cause an increase in bad breath and body odor due to the production of certain compounds during the breakdown of protein.
  6. Mood changes: Some people report feeling irritable, fatigued, or experiencing mood swings while following the carnivore diet. This could be due to the lack of certain nutrients and fiber in the diet, or due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Not everyone will experience these side effects, and some people may find the carnivore diet works well for them.

How to Introduce Yourself to a Carnivore Diet

If you are considering the carnivore diet for your psoriasis, it is important to approach it with caution and make sure you are doing it in a safe and healthy way. Here are some tips for introducing the carnivore diet:

  1. Consult with a healthcare professional: Before starting any new diet, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to make sure it is safe and appropriate for you.
  2. Do your research: Read up on the carnivore diet and make sure you understand the rules and restrictions of the diet. It is also important to learn about the potential benefits and risks.
  3. Plan your meals: Plan your meals in advance to make sure you are getting all the necessary nutrients. It is important to include a variety of animal-based proteins, fats, and organs to ensure you are getting all the necessary nutrients.
  4. Monitor your body: Keep track of how your body is reacting to the diet. If you notice any negative side effects or changes in your psoriasis symptoms, it may be time to adjust your diet.
  5. Consider working with a nutritionist: A nutritionist can help you create a balanced and healthy carnivore diet plan that meets all of your nutritional needs.
  6. Stay hydrated: It is important to drink plenty of water when following the carnivore diet to prevent dehydration.
  7. Be patient: Your body may take some time to adjust to the carnivore diet, so be patient and give yourself time to adapt to the new way of eating.

Who Should Not Do a Carnivore Diet?

While the carnivore diet can have its benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone. If you fall into one of the following categories, it’s best to avoid this diet:

  • Those who need to limit their protein intake due to kidney diseases.
  • Those who are sensitive to food cholesterol or have high cholesterol levels.
  • Those who have any other health conditions that require a specialized diet.

If you’re unsure whether the carnivore diet is right for you, it’s recommended to consult a nutritionist or healthcare professional. They can help determine the best approach for your current health status and develop a personalized plan that fits your needs. It’s important to remember that when it comes to psoriasis, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. With the right guidance and support, you can find a diet that works for you and helps manage your psoriasis symptoms.


Can You Eat Peanut Butter on a Carnivore Diet?

While it is not recommended to consume peanut butter on a carnivore diet, it could be included as part of a cheat meal. The overall goal is to improve health and well-being, and allowing for occasional treats can help individuals stick to the diet in the long run.

Is Yogurt Allowed on Carnivore Diet?

Yogurt can indeed be introduced into a carnivore diet, but some people choose to leave it out due to lactose issues. This is because yogurt contains naturally occurring sugars from lactose, which can add some carbs to the diet. However, the amount of carbs is generally considered to be minimal, so some people do choose to include yogurt in their carnivore diet.

Carnivore Diet for Psoriasis: Health Benefits and Tips (2024)


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